All members are invited to our dining room for a congregate meal prepared each Monday through Friday. All meals are prepared by a certified dietician and consist of ⅓ the adult daily food requirement. These hot and nutritious meals use low sodium recipes and consist of a meat, vegetables, whole wheat roll, fruit and/or dessert. Coffee, iced tea and milk are also served with every meal.
Helping Seniors Live Their Best Life!
We are a non-profit organization that offers this membership free to qualified seniors. All activities we offer are low to no cost for members in an effort to make them as inclusive as possible. Donations help us achieve that goal. If you’d like to help the Paducah Senior Center, visit our donation page to make a pledge and help us keep this program thriving!
Join the Paducah Senior Center Today!
Services for Active Seniors
E-Homes Services
For McCracken County members who are 60 years of age or older, own their own home, and live within the county lines, we offer labor services from trained staff and community volunteers for minor home improvements.
These projects are intended for members who wish to remain in their homes but have needs for accessibility modifications, security, maintenance and general repairs.
Projects are accepted through an application and approval process and are performed on the basis of need. If you’d like to apply for an E-Homes project, you can find that application by clicking ‘Learn More.’
Senior Medicare Patrol
Our Senior Medicare Patrol is here to educate members and help them take an active role in the detection and prevention of health care fraud and abuse.
Alana Miller, our Senior Medicare Patrol Coordinator, along with her staff of volunteers, help educate beneficiaries on how to monitor their accounts and be on the lookout for deceptive healthcare practices, such as:
- Bundling charges to hide non-covered fees.
- Filing bogus claims for products or services never rendered.
- Altering billing codes to inflate Medicare claims.
- Ordering unnecessary products or services to increase revenues.
- & more.
The SMP recruits, trains and guides retired professionals to assist as volunteers to help other seniors become better healthcare consumers.
Health & Wellness
Members have access to our fitness and billiards room and have the option to attend health and wellness based activities like games, dancing, health presentations and screenings and low-impact exercise routines.
For local seniors, we work to set up interested individuals for volunteer work around the community, either at our facility or with any number of the non-profits we work with.
Planned Trips & Outings
The Senior Center will also plan trips and outings for our members to attend, including day trips, motorcoach trips and other various activities such as the Supper Club. Transportation and locations will vary, so be sure to check the calendar for upcoming opportunities!
For our homebound members, we offer transportation services to assist with medical appointments, grocery store and pharmacy visits and other general errands our members might need. We also offer transportation for your trips to the Senior Center! To request transportation services, contact us today.
Services for Homebound Seniors
Meal Delivery
Meal delivery is a limited program available to our members in McCracken and Marshall Counties for homebound seniors who are unable to attend in-person or who otherwise qualify. We can offer this service through our partnership with the Meals on Wheels program and through the help of our wonderful volunteers.
Did You Know?
Daily home-delivered meals help keep 8 out of 10 recipients who have previously fallen from falling again.
2 out of 3 recipients report the meals make up half or more of all the food eaten that day.
9 out of 10 recipients say receiving meals from Meals on Wheels improved their health.